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Martin Lloyd.
Writer and speaker.

Martin Lloyd is an experienced and popular speaker. He travels throughout the country giving talks to all kinds of groups and associations and is very much in demand.

Passports, Assassins, Traitors and Spies
Passport stories from history

Thrill to a dramatic account of how the actions of a group of assassins brought about a change in the passport regulations; how the unmasking of a spy
caused a modification in passport design and how, for one man,
the passport itself turned into a killer.

(A dramatic talk without slides.)

Various comments below..............

"Your presentation was dramatic, full of historic detail and delivered with your strong,
clear voice... a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon." – Basildon & Billericay U3A.
"very impressed at your abiity to talk for an hour without any visual aids or prompts."
Paddock Wood U3A
"your clarity of mind and expression were exemplary."
Shenfield U3A
"You are indeed a natural storyteller and brought to life the characters..."
Bexley U3A