Interest group page click HERE.
Walking Tennis Update click HERE

Interest Groups.

We currently offer the groups listed on the this page. Please click on any of them to find out more. If you wish to ask a question or sign up you can e-mail the Group Contact via a direct link on the group page. This list is constantly amended as members join & leave groups. If you enquire or sign up for one you will be contacted by the Group Contact in due course. Please be patient whilst arrangements are finalised - our Group Contacts are all volunteers & need your help & input.

To send in a suggestion for a group aligned to your interests please contact Roy Lingham or John Thompson, our Groups Co-ordinators via the "contact us page". Current suggestions & developments can be seen on our NEW GROUPS page, click HERE to view.

Group is FULL? Would you like to start an extra group, need some advice?  Contact : GROUPS COORDINATION TEAM LEADER: Roy or John

THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES underlie the U3A Movement, click HERE to view. In accordance with these we are a self help organisation, i.e. we do not offer ready-made courses - the success or otherwise of each group will depend upon YOU & how you decide to organise yourselves & your joint learning as group members. To see our basic ground rules for groups, please click HERE to view.

Remember, you need to join Meopham U3A & receive your membership card for the current year before you are eligible & able to sign up for any groups. If you are not sure what is involved do come along to any Members Meetings or our Coffee Mornings & find out, or contact a committee member. Please feel free to join in, see what it's all about & add your ideas & requests!

Add your name to our SIGN UP SHEETS at group meetings or let Roy or John know. When it appears that sufficient members have indicated their interest in a new group to make it viable, an initial meeting will normally take place to help it become established.

Many other activities are also available to Meopham U3A Members including TALKS, COURSES and WORKSHOPS.

Details of dates, times, venues & contacts are published as they become available - keep watching this page and the Study link in the menu bar.