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Every Thursday 11.00 - 11. 45 at Meopham Leisure Centre at a  cost £6.00 per session.

Fitness for Fun was started approximately 4 years ago after I had a conversation with the manager at Meopham Leisure Centre about the
possibility of offering an exercise class specifically designed for older people. At the time I was using the gym there 3 times a week in an effort
to get fit after having 4 broken bones in 2 years and had found it not only very helpful but, to my amazement, very enjoyable too.

I have never been a ‘sporty’ person but at the age of 75, out of necessity, I was suddenly exercising regularly and enjoying feeling very much fitter as a result.
With the zeal of the converted then, I talked to Steve the manager, who agreed to put on an exercise class specifically for u3a members.
It was so successful that a second class was offered and shortly after that a u3a yoga class was offered every Saturday morning.
Due mainly to lockdown and the retirement of the yoga teacher, only Fitness for Fun is running now.

We meet every Thursday at Meopham Leisure Centre from 11am to 11.45 am led by our trainer Kate.
The Centre charges u3a members a much-reduced fee of £6.00 per session for which they provide an airconditioned hall and the trainer plus all the other facilities.
   The first 15 minutes of each session is devoted to aerobic exercises,
   then we have 15 minutes of working with weights,
   followed by 15 minutes of work at the wall bars.
All exercises are gentle, but we all feel as though we’ve had a good work out by the end of the class.
The staff at the Centre are all extremely friendly and helpful, consequently there’s a relaxed, happy feel to the place.

The manager has asked me to tell you that some new low impact classes are just starting, designed for people with health issues, injuries and disabilities.
The classes are as follows: Tuesday: 10.15 - 11.15 am - Tai Chi Wednesday: 6.00 - 6.45 pm - Chair-based fitness Thursday: 12.00 – 1.00pm - Assisted gym session.
All the above classes cost £3 per person. Contact the Centre with any queries on 01474 814199 or email

Group contact is Yvonne Wilson