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Patchwork Beginners.
The original group started in September 2018 and a second group was formed in
September 2019. We have now decided that, from January 2022, we will combine to
form this group.
In 2023 our group will continue to work on small patchwork related projects.
We are closed to new members but if there is sufficient interest another group can
be formed.


2 Suitable projects for beginners, for more information contact Beryl
using the bluebird symbol above.

To welcome the birth of a new granddaughter Sue Martin designed and created this playmat.  The animals were appliqued onto the multi-coloured background while all the other embellishments are attached by Velcro.  A stunning original design.


Cilla Stephens has been working on this stunning baby quilt for several months. 
The ‘Sunbonnet Sue’ motifs were hand embroidered before being incorporated in the quilt. 
Hand quilting completed the project.  A stunning original design.




January 2023 Update
This stunning Lama cushion was designed and made by Sue Martin who is a member of the Beginner Patchwork group.


Beryl Connelly
Group co-ordinator
Use the bluebird symbol to contact me.