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It is really good meeting face-to-face again at the ‘Tin Tabernacle’ Sole Street 9.45-11.45 every first and third Tuesdays of the month.

On Tuesday 10th December 2021 we have been invited to sing at St John’s Church in Meopham, starting at 11.00 am. Our members have been invited to a buffet lunch afterwards by the volunteers who run the Memory/Carers group there.

We sing a variety of light music and our membership is happily growing again but we always welcome new members. Please do not hesitate to make contact with us if you need further information. No experience necessary. We occasionally receive requests to sing at local venues also which are very enjoyable and certainly give us practice.

On Tuesday 14th December, 2021 the Meopham u3a Singing Group attended St John’s Church, Meopham to give a Christmas concert to the carers of relatives with memory problems.  We had a wonderful narrator in Sheila (Garner), informing the audience of the history of the carols and songs which was very enjoyable and interesting. We all sang enthusiastically and received the same in response. We were rewarded with lunch afterwards!

Please do consider joining our lovely friendly group in the future.  The songs we sing are diverse and jolly and we are lucky to have a very knowledgeable leader in Heather (Wright).

Sue Scott

If any members would like to join our group please contact  Sue Scott and she will add you to the list.