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Guitar - Acoustic


As of Monday 21st june 2021 U3A  guitar sessions start again. Our new venue is the Hartley Pavilion. At present we can only have 6 people seated. We will meet every other Monday from 2.30pm to 4.30pm I  have received all the relevant information, documents and their Risk Assessment  and returned signed copies of the agreement and special conditions of hire. If anyone in the U3A requires a copy of any of these documents (4 of them); I will be happy to forward and attach them in an e -mail.

Thanks Godwin.
The group contact is now Godwin Grima , who can be emailed by clicking the bluebird symbol.

Currently our Group consists of nine women and men and we meet for two hours every other Monday afternoon at the Hartley Cricket Pavilion.
The style of playing is mainly rhythm, although a few of our more experienced members also play lead as and when it suits the music.
Our sessions are pretty laid back and unhurried which seems to suit everyone.
This year we adopted a system where we pick two tunes that we prioritise at the beginning of each meeting to practise until we are sufficiently confident to play them
without reading off tabs/lyrics sheets.
For the rest of the session the idea is for anyone to pick a tune of their choice either from our song catalogue or to introduce a new tune to try out and learn.
The genre of music we tend to play varies from popular 60’’s to current times of Country, Rock and Ballad tunes.
If any Meopham U3A members should be interested please contact us via the U3A platform.  All levels are welcome and we can assure you that playing as a group is fun
and will improve your confidence level more than playing solo.

So give it a go and pay us a visit, you will be made very welcome.

Godwin Grima