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Hi All,
My name is Lesley London and I am the group contact for this revitalised Spanish group.
If you need to contact me please use the Bluebird symbol above.

This new Spanish group has now been set-up after the initial meeting at the Cricketers Inn on 11 April, which was attended by 6 members, and supported by a member who had attended a previous Meopham U3A Spanish group which started in 2015.

The new group decided use the BBC Spanish course, and will rotate the meetings in members’ homes on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, from 10am - 12 noon, starting on Mon 9 May 2022.

If, upon reflection you have decided that you will not be attending this group after all, please let me know immediately and I will remove your name from the list so that you do not receive future emails about the group meetings.